Friday, March 14, 2014

What's for dinner?

The wealth of knowledge that USU Dietetics students have is amazing. We decided it was time to have their share some of their knowledge with you!  We gave the junior dietetic students  an assignment to write a post for the blog. They had free rein in their topic…but it had to relate to Soup of course! This is a wonderful post written by USU Dietetic student SaRene Brooks with an idea for a delicious soup side!
Have you every served up a delicious bowl of soup and had your family ask what ELSE they are having for dinner??? 
Well, here's a solution to your problem!
  • Soup can be a healthy part of a well-balanced meal. Home-made soup contains a variety of vegetables without all the added sodium and calories. A colorful soup can provide added nutrients such as Vitamin A (carrots), Vitamin C (onions & potatoes), and Lycopene (tomatoes). In addition to these health benefits, soup is a great comfort food.
  • Selecting a side dish to go along with your soup will help make a complete meal. A grilled chicken breast and some warm cornbread will complement almost any soup and can fill up a hungry family!
1 cup freshly milled *popcorn
1 cup flour
¼ cup sugar
1 Tbs. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 cup milk
1/3 cup oil
1 egg

Combine dry ingredients. Stir in milk, oil, and egg. Pour into a greased 8” x 8” baking pan. Allow to sit for 10 min before baking to give finished product a nice crown. Bake @ 400° for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm.  Recipe can be doubled for a 9” x 13” pan.

*Popcorn can be ground into a flour like-texture in a grain mill. (Do not use a wheat grinder as the popcorn will gum up the grinder.) Popcorn can be milled to a fine or coarse texture depending upon your own preference. It is an inexpensive item to have as part of your food storage. It can then be used for popcorn or milled into cornmeal!  Freshly milled popcorn will give your cornbread a unique flavor and a moist texture. However, it can be substituted with cornmeal in this recipe.

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