Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Savvy up Your Sweet Potato Smarts

Savvy up your Sweet Potato Smarts
By: USU Dietetic Seniors Julie and Jen

First thing is first, you have to know what a sweet potato is. Sounds easy right? Just wait. This fun video will help clarify some confusion many people have about the difference between sweet potatoes and yams.

Now that we have that sweet potato mystery all figured out, let’s dig a little deeper into this fascinating starch.

We found out that sweet potatoes are chuck-full of nutrients!

First, they are low in calories and low in fat. SUH-WEET!
Second, although they are higher in carbs, they are also high in fiber creating a more balanced effect in the body.
Third, they are loaded with minerals like potassium, iron, and calcium, which help with metabolism, bone health, and heart health.  To top it all off, sweet potatoes are also high in vitamins like Vitamin A, B6, and C. These help with vision, metabolism, and immunity!

So now that we know just how good they are for us, we want to know how else we can use them (besides just at Thanksgiving). We found some amazing recipes that we love and want to share. Turns out the possibilities are endless!

1.  Red Lentil, Sweet Potato, Apple, and Carrot Soup
Here’s the link to this delicious soup we make for Soup Connection.

2.  Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Honey and Cinnamon
Hard to call this a nutritious recipe when it tastes like dessert, but that’s exactly what it is!  Sweet and simple, making this a perfect side-dish for any meal.

Here’s the link to the recipe: 

3. Sweet Potato Spinach Quesadillas

Tired of the same old cheese quesadillas? This will not only add some exciting new flavors, but a bunch of nutrients as well!

4.  Spicy Sweet Potato Chips
Everyone knows how yummy sweet potato fries are… but how about a crispier version. These chips are sure to hit the spot!

5. Sweet Potato Pecan Cupcake with Crème Cheese Frosting
 Who knew sweet potatoes were so diverse? Doesn't this just look delicious

6.  Sweet Potato Fettuccine
Again, who knew? A very tasty and healthy alternative to regular pasta night.

And there you have it. You are now officially Sweet Potato Savvy.
What will you make with your next sweet potato?

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