Saturday, April 28, 2018

Get Yourself in a Pickle

I used to think that pickles were just another condiment to put on your burger.  However, I have since learned that pickles actually have MANY health benefits in addition to being very flavorful!  Pickling has been used for centuries all around the world to preserve food.  The basic recipe is cucumber, salt, vinegar, and seasoning.  I used to buy pickles at the store, but then I realized it's actually super easy and cheap just to make your own pickles at home.  Making them at home also allows you to customize the vegetables and seasonings to what you like.  Use old vegetables in your fridge that are about to go bad to preserve them - and at the same time, you are not wasting food and money.  Get pickling!

4 Health Benefits of Pickles

1. Healthy Vegetable
Pickles are made from cucumber and cucumbers are actually a very healthy vegetable!  Cucumbesr contain mostly water, are extremely low in calories, and have no fat.  Pickles are also not cooked, and cooking any food breaks down some of the nutrients that are heat-sensitive.  So the pickling process preserves the cucumber's antioxidants!

2. Source of Probiotic
Pickles are made through a fermentation process.  This fermentation process involves just throwing all the ingredients into a mason jar and then letting the pickles ferment.  During fermentation, sugars in the cucumber are broken down to make good bacteria.  These good bacteria are known as probiotics.  Probiotics increase the good bacteria in your gut, improve your digestion, and are overall beneficial for your health.

3. Relieves Muscle Cramps
After you eat your pickles - save the juice!  This may sound gross, however, studies show that when you drink pickle juice, it takes as little as 85 seconds to relieve any muscle cramps.  The reason is not  yet understood, but the process has been proven to work.  Keep some leftover juice in the fridge for the next time you have an extra-tough workout.

4. Prevents Sugar Crashes
Pickles that include vinegar in the recipe make your stomach release glucose slowly.  This means you won't have a sugar crash later after eating a carb-heavy meal.  So, when you eat a burger, make sure to add pickles!  This way, instead of feeling tired and sluggish soon after eating your meal - you'll have steady energy instead!

This pickle recipe is so easy and not a big "dill."  It's simple with minimal and cheap ingredients.  Also, feel free to switch out ingredients or seasonings to customize this recipe to what you like!  For example, add some red pepper chili flakes to your pickles to give them a spicy kick!

Dill Pickles

Total Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 1 quart

  • 1 1/2 cups distilled white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 2 lb kirby cucumbers, sliced 1/4-inch thick
  • 3/4 cups coarsely chopped dill
  • 3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
  1. In a large, heatproof measuring cup, combine vinegar, sugar, salt, mustard seeds, dill seeds, and any other seasonings you may want to add with hot water and stir until the sugar and salt are dissolved.  Let the brine col.
  2. In a large bowl, toss cucumbers with dill and garlic.  Pour brine over cucumbers and turn to coat.  Place a small plate over cucumbers to keep them submerged, then cover bowl with plastic wrap.  Refrigerate the pickles overnight, stirring once or twice.  Serve cold.
  3. Pickles can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

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