Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Permaculture Garden is coming to USU!

USU campus is getting its very own permaculture garden! It is going to be in the grassy area east of NDFS building and will be kicked off on September 27. 

What does permaculture even mean? 

Permaculture is pronounced [pur-muh-kuhl-cher]. Permaculture is a design approach that considers all the systems focuses on perpetual agriculture. It strives for sustainability, renew-ability, self-sufficiency.

The permaculture garden at USU uses all the precepts of permaculture design. It will be used to grow herbs and produce to use in the Culinary Basics Class (required for all USU dietetics students) and also as ingredients in the Soup Connection soups. Tracy Munson, a junior dietetics student, has been very involved in getting the permaculture garden to USU - Thanks Tracy!

How can YOU get involved? 

On September 27 & 28, there will be a workshop held on USU campus for teachers, students and the general public to learn more about permaculture. It is going to be taught by Joel Glanzberg, an expert in permaculture. The workshop will teach key aspects of permaculture degisn AND give you a chance to help build a permaculture rain garden. The workshop costs $25 for adults and $15 for students.

For more information, visit

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